Important: This feature is only available to Admins. If you are not an EngagedMD administrator, an existing administrator at your clinic can grant you access. Please contact EngagedMD Support with questions.
This article will show you how you can set up a test patient. A test patient can help you see modules from the Patient's perspective and also allow you to test a form's configuration before it is published and ready for use.
1. Click on 'Add Patient' on the top-right corner.
2. Fill in Primary Patient information
- Patient ID - it is recommended to use the word 'Test' in the ID
- First Name - any first name will work
- Last Name - it is recommended to use the word 'Test'
- Email - this should be an email you have access to, but must not be the work email associated with your EngagedMD staff account
- Birthday - enter a birthday if this is part of your clinic's SOP when adding patients
- Doctor - choose 'Test Doctor' (important)
3. If you would not like to add Partner information, toggle off the 'No Partner' switch.
4. If you do want to enter a Partner, enter the same information listed above using a different ID. Make sure to also include the word 'Test' in the Partner's ID. You can choose a different First Name, but keep 'Test' as the Last Name.
You will also need a second email address that is not the work email address associated with your EngagedMD staff account.
5. Click 'Save'
6. Assignments for the Test Patient(s)
From this point, you are able to assign Educational Modules and/or Forms that you want to test. Check the Test Patient(s) email addresses as needed to see the Modules and/or Forms from their perspectives.