What is the combined form feature?
The combined form feature will allow you to group multiple forms for your patients at the time you assign them. Instead of receiving individual emails for each form assigned, signers will receive ONE email with ONE link to sign all of their combined forms.
How does the combined form feature work?
When you open up a patient’s record to assign them a form, you can select as many forms as you’d like to send to the patient. Previously, the patient received an individual email for every form you assigned each with a link to sign that form. With the new combined form feature, the patient will receive one email with one link to sign. All of the forms you assigned to them will be combined into a ‘packet’ that the patient will see when they click on the link.
Which forms will be combined?
The combination of forms in this ‘packet’ is customizable by patient and depends on which forms you check off when assigning forms! Whichever forms you select when assigning forms to a patient will be combined. If you return to the patient record later that day and assign more forms, these forms will be sent to the patient in a separate email and separate ‘packet.’
Can I void forms individually if they were combined when assigned?
No. Forms that were assigned as a group must be completed or voided as a group. For this reason, we recommend sending out any high-risk forms individually. (By high-risk forms, we mean any form that a patient may be more likely to make an error on, such as an embryo disposition form).
Can I still assign forms individually?
Yes! When you assign forms to a patient, you can toggle the ‘Send Forms Individually’ switch at the top of the page. This will revert back to the old method and will send individual emails for each form.
I need to assign two forms to my patient, but they have different signing orders. How will this work with combined forms?
While most of your practice’s forms follow the same signer workflow, you might have a few forms that require patients, partners, staff, and/or physicians to sign in a different order. If any combined forms follow different workflows, our system will find the most efficient route for these forms to take to ensure that they are completed by everyone.
My practice’s EMR is integrated with EngagedMD. Will combined forms change how forms flow through to my EMR?
No. Combined forms will be broken up once they’re completed but before they flow through to your EMR, so they will show up individually as they do today.
Can combined forms be signed by two different clinical reviewers?
No. If certain forms assigned to a patient need to be signed by one member of your clinical team while other forms require a different staff signature, these should be assigned as either two separate groups or individually. Once forms are combined, only one assigned clinical reviewer will be able to review and sign.