Forms can be added at any point for electronic signature by using the Add New Form button on a patient's record.
1. Search for the patient
You can click on 'Add New Form'
2. Toggle between the Forms and Packets tabs
You can select up to one packet at a time and an unlimited number of forms.
3. Fill in the Required Fields
The following fields are required to use eSignatures:
- Patient/Partner e-mail address: Unique e-mail address is the primary means of signer authentication. As such, it is required that a staff member adds the patient and partner’s e-mail address in order to use eSign.
- Clinical Reviewer: The staff member who is responsible for reviewing and eSigning the form after the patient and/or partner have completed signing. If the form requires information to be pre-populated prior to being sent to the patient, the Clinical Reviewer should be the staff member responsible for pre-populating.
Optional Fields
- Patient's Physician: If the form requires a physician's signature, this is the individual who will be required to sign.
- Associated Module: If you would like the form to be automatically triggered AFTER the patient completes an educational module, you can choose the associated module here. If you would like the form to be triggered immediately, choose ‘NONE’.
- Authentication: Depending on your clinic's settings, you can choose the authentication method used on the forms. Choices include None (which includes our standard email authentication), SMS text message authentication, or ID Verification.
4. Add Form
Your form(s) will be assigned to the patient once you select ‘Add Form’.